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Get curious about your brain
and mental health ...

This article really blew ... my ...mind... back in 2017, and I am sure it will yours. It just shows what an amazing thing we carry between our ears.

"The brain continues to surprise us with its magnificent complexity. Groundbreaking research that combines neuroscience with math tells us that our brain creates neural structures with up to 11 dimensions when it processes information. By “dimensions,” they mean abstract mathematical spaces, not other physical realms. Still, the researchers “found a world that we had never imagined,” said Henry Markram, director of the Blue Brain Project, which made the discovery.



The vital B12 connection and your Mental Health & why ordinary blood tests do not pick up on this. 


​Many psychiatric symptoms have been described in B12 deficiency, known as pernicious anaemia, including depression, manic excitement, paranoid states, confusional episodes, and dementia. Although vitamin B12 deficiency is known to produce neurological symptoms there is much less certainty about its role in producing mental symptoms. Despite this uncertainty, it has been asserted that carrying out vitamin B12 assays on psychiatric patients will enable doctors to cure for good severe disabling disease which otherwise may end in chronicity (Edwin et al., 1966). 

Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Psychiatric Illness

Published online by Cambridge University Press - 2018

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